These articles are pretty much a rehash of what has been published on this site but there are some comments and additional photographs that may be of interest. Thanks to all who have been keeping me updated with information and copies of the articles. If you know of an article not listed please email me by clicking here with the details. If you would also be willing to send me a copy of the article for the archives it will be greatly appreciated. In addition I need a copy of the article marked by * for the archives. Contact me via email and I will send you my postal address.
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Marine Corps Base Camp
Pendleton in California has a weekly newspaper named the Scout. |
I was browsing around a bookstore in the Science Fiction section the other day and a book caught my eye. On the cover was a picture of the "hero" holding a Steyr Scout. The book is Valentine's Resolve, by E. E. Knight, ISBN 97804514619, and is a vampire genre story. You can see the cover picture at the url below.
Do you think the hero shoots Winchester "silver-tip" ammunition or maybe those German "wooden bullet" rounds (which were actually blanks)?
Armi E Tiro (Italy), January 1998, Anteprima - Steyr Mannlicher Scout calibro .308 Winchester - L'Esploratore, p. 56
Law Enforcement Technology, January 1998, Firearms Column, The Steyr Scout Rifle, by Tom Ellis, p. 27.
Guns & Weapons for Law Enforcement, February 1998, The "Scout Rifle" Arrives, by Gary Paul Johnson, p. 18
IWM-Internationales Waffen Magazin (Swiss), January - February 1998, Der neue STEYR-SCOUT- Repetier fur (fast) alle Zwecke, p. 13
Petersen's Rifle Shooter, February 1998, Steyr's Scout Rifle, by G. Sitton, p. 30
Soldier of Fortune, February 1998, Steyr Scout Rifle - A Gun For All Seasons, by Peter G. Kokalis, p. 48
Special Weapons for Military and Police (1998 Annual) - The Steyr Scout, by Chris McLoughlin, p. 10
The Mannlicher Collector-No. 51, Cooper and Hambrusch Début The Steyr Scout, by Don L. Henry, p. 2
INTERSEC-The Journal of International Security, March 1998, Firepower for Security, by Nick Steadman, p. 89
ARMI Magazine (Italy), April 1998, Scout Rifle da Steyr, p. 20
Guns & Ammo, April 1998, The Steyr Scout Breaks Out, by George Sitton, p. 52
Safari Times Africa, April 1998, Steyr-Mannlicher introduces Jeff Cooper's "Scout Rifle" concept, p. 4
Shooting Industry, Steyr Unveils Coop[er's Scout Rifle, April, by Cameron Hopkins, p. 44
S.W.A.T., April, Rifle Roll-Out--Steyr Scout, by Michael Harries, p. 46
Visier-Das Internationale Waffen-Magazin (Germany), April 1998, Vorschau, Gary Paul Johnston, p. 42
Rifle, May 1998, It's a Scout! - Cooper's Dream Rifle, by Don L. Henry, p. 26
CIBLES (France), June 1998, Banc d'essai--Le Fusil Steyr Scout, p. 25
Deutsches Waffen-Journal (Germany), July, Generalist, by Wolfgang Kräusslich and Walter Schultz, p.1022
Caliber (Germany), July 1998, Attraktive Attacke aus Austria, by Stefan Perey & Michael Fischer, p. 26
Guns & Ammo, July 1998, The Scout Rifle: Some Principles, by Jeff Cooper, p. 74
Metsästys ja Kalastus 7 (Finland), July 1998, M&K Esttelee-Steyr Scout, Teksti Louhisola & Kuvat Soikkanen, p. 56
VISIER (Germany), July 1998, Auf frischer Fährte, by Siegfried Schwarz, p. 110
Armas (Spain), August 1998 (#195 issue), Steyr Scout - Capricho Tactico, by Luis Perez de Leon, p. 10
Gun Tests, August 1998, New Steyr Scout Rifle! An Interesting Performer, p. 22
SA Man/Magnum (South Africa), August 1998, The Steyr Scout, by Koos Barnard, p.35
SAM Wapenmagazine No. 94 (Netherlands), August/September 1998, Het Steyr Scout geweer, by Door B. J. Martens, p. 12
Vapentidningen (Sweden), #5,Vol. 5, 1998, Jägarens nyap vapen, by by Sverker Ulving, p. 38
Våpenjournalen (Norway), #4, 1998, Steyr Scout, by Geir Wollman, p. 8
The American Rifleman, September, 1998, The Steyr Scout Rifle Realized, by Mark A. Keffe, IV, p. 34
AAK56 Wapenmapenmagazine (Holland), October 1998, Steyr Scout-Millennium Proof, p. 22
Der Anblick (Austria), October 1998, Der Steyr Scout--auch ein Jagdgewehr, by Ralph Schober, p. 56
IWM-Internationales Waffen Magazin (Swiss), October, 1998, Steyr Scout & Tactical Rifle, by Martin Schober, P. 524
Jager Hund & Våpen (Norway), October1998, Våpen Test --Steyr Scout Rifla for alle-til alt, p. 92
Deutsches Waffenjournal (Germany), November 1998, Flint 98-Design und besondere Leistungen (Steyr Scout awarded the Flint 98 Award for design)
GUNS, November 1998, Scout, by Hold Bodinson, p. 38.
St. Hubertus (Austria), November 1998, Steyr's Scout Rifle, by Roland Zeitler, p. 31
Small Arms Review, December, 1998, Steyr Scout Factory Modifications, by Nick Steadman, p. 10
Waffenwelt (German), Issue 15, 1998, Steyr Scout-Repetierer in .308 Winchester, p. 20
Allt om Jakt & Vapen (Sweden), January 1999, Den lille scouten, by Eric Wallin, p. 16
Guns & Ammo, January 1999, Afield with the Scout, by Jeff Cooper, p. 72
Small Arms Review, January, 1999, The Steyr Scout Rifle, by Charles Q. Cutshaw, p. 23
Small Arms Review, January, 1999, Steyr Scout Tactical Rifle, by Nick Steadman, p. 15
American Survival Guide, February 1999, Steyr Scout Rifle, by Phil W. Johnston, p. 70
* Todo Tiro (Spain), February, 1999, Banco de pruebas: Rifle Steyr Scout. Un perfecto todo-terreno", by A. J. Lopez. p. 10
Rifle Magazine, March-April 1999, Two Steyr Scout Rifles, by Finn Aagaard, p. 38
Jaktmarker & Fiskevatten (Sweden), Nr.4, 1999, Mannlicher Scout - önskevapen för rörlig jakt, by Fredrik Franzén, p. 42
Deutsches Waffen Journal (Germany), July, 1999, On Tour Mit der Scout Rifle im Yukon, p. 1148
Shooting Sports Magazine (UK), August 1999, The Steyr Mannlicher Scout Rifle, p. 22
Shooting Times, January 2000, Shooting Steyr's Scout Bolt-Action Rifle, by Rick Jamison, p.42
Guns Magazine, February 2000, Steyr's Scout Rifle, by Barrett Tilman, p. 70
American Rifleman, March 2000, Big Bore Alternative: The .376 Steyr, by Scott E. Mayer
SA Man/ Magnum (South Africa), April 2000, New .376 Steyr Blooded on Bison, by Jeff Cooper, p. 27
Guns & Weapons for Law Enforcement, September 2000, New Steyr .308 Tactical Scout, by Al Paulson, p. 40
The Tactical Edge (NTOA Journal), Fall 2000, Vol 18, No. 4, Countermeasures Column, Steyr Scout Tactical serves multiple needs, by Robert W. Parker, p. 78
African Hunter, Vol 6, Number 6 (Indaba Issue or December 2000) Ingozi -The Accident Rifle, by Jim Dodd, p.20.
*The Mannlicher Collector, #62, 2000, Portable Powerhouse the .376 Steyr Scout, by Eric Ching, p. ?
*African Perspectives, Vol ? Number ?, Current African cartridges: The .376 Steyr, by Eric Ching, page ?.
Combat & Survival, July 2006, The One Rifle, by Greg Robins, p. 22
S.W.A.T., August 2006, Revisiting the Scout Rifle, by Greg Rodriguez, Page 46
The Steyr Scout in the news!
Because of the size of the files I have moved the photos to a separate page.
To view pictures of the Steyr Scout in use in the Kosovo conflict click here.
To view pictures of the Steys Scout in use in the Ukraine conflict click here.
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Neither Fr. Frog, the hosting service for these pages, nor this page is officially associated with Steyr Mannlicher, nor SteyrUSA. This page provided by Fr. Frog as a service to the friends of Jeff Cooper, the folks Steyr, and the shooting community. Fr. Frog is not responsible for any errors, omissions, nor your inability to hit what you aim at when using this rifle. As far as I know all the information presented is correct and I have attempted to ensure that it is. However, I am not responsible for any errors, omissions, or damages resulting from the use or misuse of this information, nor for you doing something stupid with it. (Don't you hate these disclaimers? So do I, but there are people out there who refuse to be responsible for their own actions and who will sue anybody to make a buck.)
Updated 2022-05-06